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BUILDING AN INCLUSIVE CHURCH - 11/18..."It’s important to feel included. It’s a fundamental human need, and when we feel excluded, it hurts. When we don’t feel like we belong, we tend to look for a place where we are more comfortable. We need to help everyone feel that they belong at church".

The First United Methodist Church of Miami is a Reconciling Congregation which is providing safe places for all LGBTQIA+ people. Last Friday, it was launched a Small Group to welcome LGBTQIA+ people and allies who want make their church a more inclusive place. This Small Group is under the leadership of pastor Marvel Souza and pastor Raphael Lira who have 13 years experience in leading inclusive works in Brazil. 

The first meeting started with a moment of prayer. Right after, each participant was encouraged to share experiences of inclusion. After that, pastor Marvel brought a reflection about Bible text on Acts 10:34-35: "Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right"". 

Pastor Raphael highlighted that his husband and him are experiencing real works of inclusion at the First United Methodist Church of Miami and at the Saint John's on Lake United Methodist Church. However, he recognizes that there are much more to do towards being a more inclusive church. 

Pastor Marvel spoke about his two different experiences of inclusion - one in an inclusive church which is part of the lots of other inclusive churches that were created as a way to gather LGBTQIA+ worshipers who had left their original churches due to the harmful effects of prejudice against them. His other experience of inclusion happened when he found the Reconciling Ministries Net Work which is a movement inside the United Methodist Church standing for LGBTQIA+ rights. 

After that, each participante we're encouraged to answer four questions that helped them reflecting about being a more inclusive Church: 
  1. What's the definition of inclusion? 
  2. What does it mean, to be a Reconciling Congregation? 
  3. What's the difference of politeness and full inclusion? 
  4. What are you willing to do to make the Church a more inclusive place? 
When each participant  finished sharing their concerns about the questions, pastor Marvel read out loud the Bible text of 2Corinthians 5:18-19 and asked them to read the whole text, 2Corinthians 5:1-20, as a homework. 

The next meeting will be held on December 2nd, at the same time and place. Some of the meetings will be outdoor due to the COVID-19 issues.

*To be connected with this project, click the link and be part of the Meetup Group: 


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